Build His church
One Year Celebration
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
-Matthew 6:33-
On Sunday, February 19, 2023 we launched our church-wide "Build His Church" Kingdom Initiative for a permanent dwelling place to call home. And by the grace of God and through generous donations from our ministry constituents and friends, we closed on our current facility July 7, 2023. We have come this far by faith leaning and depending solely on God and no one gets the glory, but Him.
To commemorate this milestone, we invite you to join us for our Build His Church one year celebration on Sunday, June 30th at 9am with special guests from The Potter's House of Dallas Inc., Elder Jaimie Patterson who will be speaking, and Lady Brenda Ellis who will be our guest Psalmist. On Sunday, July 7th Bishop Randy Coggins from Tabernacle International Church in Lawrenceville, GA will be our guest speaker as we conclude our celebration on family first Sunday. We're inviting all of our friends, family, and ministry partners to help celebrate the work the Lord has done and continue to do in the southern sector of Dallas, as we continue to build the Kingdom of God together. We look forward to seeing you soon.
To sow a monetary seed offering in our on-going efforts and ministry endeavors select the "give now" button below.